Category: Dog Training

Common Questions We Get

a beagle looking confused. above it are several question marks.

At Fetch and More, we have years of experience training emotional support dogs, psychiatric service dogs, and search and rescue dogs. With each dog, many questions can come up, ranging from questions about your dog to questions about the process. Below we’ll go over some of the most common questions we get, but of course,… Read more »

What Situations Are Search and Rescue Dogs Used In?

A yellow lab search and rescue dog looking through rubble after a disaster

Many people know search and rescue dogs from highly dramatized TV shows. While those shows certainly have a basis in truth, they aren’t entirely accurate. There are two main groups of search and rescue dogs. Air Scenting dogs follow scents in the air until they find who they are searching for. Trailing dogs follow scents left behind on the… Read more »

What Do Emotional Support Dogs Help With?

golden retriever resting its head on its owners shoulders.

Emotional support dogs are an important part of many lives. Not only can they provide constant companionship and comfort, but they have been proven to alleviate the impact of mental crises. Below are how emotional service dogs can help with anxiety, depression, and PTSD.   Anxiety It is estimated that 31% of the American population experiences or… Read more »

Just How Can Dogs Sense Our Emotions?

A sad elderly woman hugging a dog

While we discussed the importance of psychiatric service dogs and the benefits they provide, you may still be wondering, “how?”. This is a fair question- and it is one that, truthfully, many scientists are still studying! While many scientists are still figuring out the exact how, they have come to some conclusions that they are focusing in… Read more »