Virtual Dog Training Services in Massachusetts
We are proud to be providing virtual dog training services throughout the state of Massachusetts. If you’re a dog owner living in Massachusetts, you don’t have to search anymore for the right dog trainer. Fetch & More has a wide range of dog training services to offer you here in Massachusetts.
When dealing with anxiety and PTSD, a trained dog in the area of emotional support is just what you need. We have the certified trainers to help your dog respond to panic attacks and emotional stress. Having a support pet can help you get through some very difficult times.

When a natural disaster such as a hurricane or a wildfire happen, a search and rescue team is required to go out and look for missing persons. In other cases, such as missing persons around crime or elderly, search and rescue teams report for duty. Search and rescue dogs are needed in many cases, and that is why we are certified to train dogs for this exact thing.

For simple and basic dog, house training services in Massachusetts, we have the programs for you. Our programs consist of 5-day “bootcamp” program, and a six non-consecutive day training program to help your dog build up a bond with you like no other.

Our lead trainer, John Bellocchio has the training, certification, and expertise to help you with any disability disputes you have with those denying you your disability rights. Our services cost only an additional fee if you have your service animal trained by us, or you already have a service dog.

With us, you’ll be guaranteed the best virtual training services you can get for your dog no matter what type of training it is. Contact Fetch & More at 201-914-8268 today for our virtual dog training services in Massachusetts.